Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Changing Tides

Dec. 1 and our world is about to change. There's a whirlwind waiting for us.
We have a world premiere this Sat, Dec 5
Moving Arts Dance Center and School will close as of January 1.

We've put our hearts and souls into this dance center. We have loved every step, even the most difficult, because each step brought us closer to perfection in the creation of this school and theater. Now, this week marks our last performance in this wonderful location.

So now we'll find another way to make the world a better place. But we leave knowing that we have made a difference in many lives. As dance changed my life, gave me a place to call home, physical confidence and grace, and a voice with which I could speak non-verbally, so I believe we have helped many who have crossed our paths.

I will miss the school and theater so very much. I will miss seeing everyone weekly and knowing that we are all on the path together to be more gracious, sophisticated people... to creating art on the forefront of creativity in dance... to developing this creative village that we have enjoyed for too brief a time.

So, here we go... into the whirlwind of the known and unknown.
• A very difficult move awaits us. Literally. Everything goes into storage in December.
• And then, a very difficult move awaits us in January. Figuratively. Everything must be re-created into it's new form,
whatever that will be!

Here's to the future, and the steps each day to help us achieve even higher goals than we can imagine today! Keep your chins up and your spirits high. Great things await us all.


Joanie Deis said...

I read about the changing tides with much sadness. Anandha and Scott, you have provided such a unique dance experience in a supportive atmosphere that truly helped the dancers grow as people. I remember so many things you taught them that had to do with character and being caring people. You gave them opportunities, like performing alongside professional dancers to original choreography that they will most likely never get again. I can't thank you enough for all you've done through Solad and Moving Arts. Personally, you did so much for my daughter and I am appreciative of the training, the caring, the inclusion, and the whole experience of dancing with you. From rehearsals, to partnering, to learning "the walk", to that improvised dancing (can't remember what you call it) to sleepovers in the studio, to kineseology...it has all been wonderful. Although we haven't been in the studio for awhile, your imprint is on our lives.
I look for you to re-emerge after this transition. Best wishes always. Joanie

Creative Process said...

This is from Portia:

Hi Scott and Anandha,

The email completely broke my heart to hear that the dance centre is closing. Moving Arts and Momentum changed my life and made me into the dancer that I am today - I would be nowhere in the dance world with out all of your guidance, creativity and passion for the art. People are constantly asking me where I have been trained, and I am proud to say with Moving Arts and all the best for the company in the future. Living in Toronto has opened me up to a world of dance opportunities, where I can go and audition with a different set of skills which Moving Arts gave me.

Moving Arts has a special place in my heart, and hope to come back to California soon to see a show and take a class again someday! :) All the best in the new year, and know that you are all constantly in my thoughts and say hi to Terrin, Devon, Maria, etc. for me! :)

- Portia

Creative Process said...

This is from Chuck

...just read the email from Scott and checked out your blog...it was a great run and you definitely influenced a lot of lives. Your impact will continue...too much love to share.

Creative Process said...

This is from Attila:

Im so sorry to hear about the closing of Moving Arts Dance.

I hope to see your company on tour somewhere sometime soon.

Good Luck to both Ananda and Scott. My heart goes out to you and your wonderful students.

If you need anything at all, please do not hesitate to call me!

Please pass this onto scott:)
I would love to hear from both of you.

With Love and Respect,

Attila Joey Csiki & BUSY :)

Creative Process said...

This is from Danae Richards:

So sorry to hear that you are closing. You changed Brittany's life, gave her the desire to pursue her passion, and taught her a work ethic in dance that will forever stay with her. She is such a balanced, driven, and passionate woman and dancer thanks, in part, to all of you. Her three years with you gave her the drive to move forward in dance - her most powerful passion in life. What a gift to have at 15 years old! Now look at her at 20! In her 3rd year of dance in college, and dancing her heart out! I wish you the best. Please know that I
will always be grateful for what you did for my girl.

Creative Process said...

This is from Fran SpectorAtkins:

In spite of the news, it was such a lovely note from you yesterday. Of course, I am so sorry that Moving Arts Studio will not continue in it's present form. Yet, I am hopeful that your new direction will be a positive transition. I wish I could be there to celebrate the culmination of all your great work.

Creative Process said...

This is from Maria Rosales:

You have talked about it, and I thought I had accepted it – so much has changed in all of our lives in the past few years - but seeing it in writing brought tears to my eyes.

I hope you know that along with all the inspiration you brought to those tender young dancers, along the way you have also brightened my life, and made a difference to a somewhat older student too. I have always been in awe of you – but what you did for me was give me a chance to see the goddess in my soul through your eyes, and believe more in my playfulness having some value.

I know this is not the end of the journey, just another fork in the road, but I had to take a moment out of my crazy life and tell you both how much I love you.

Creative Process said...

From Barbara Kaplan
(former publisher of Dance Magazine)

"Anandha, you gorgeous creature, sorry to here about the need to close your space. Your spirit will find a way to thrive. Have a great show this week, and keep me informed of your adventures!"

Terpsichore said...

Thank you both for everything you give to the community, and for continuing to put your work out despite letting go of the school.

I was amazed at how welcoming you both were, and just hope that you know that your love and teachings will continue through your students.

It was a pleasure to be part of your festival, even for two short years. The dancers from the south bay were always impressed by the quality of work, guest artists and training.

Thank You!

Creative Process said...

From Sabine
really sad to hear that. This economy isn't good for art, especially if it's not mainstream. I'm glad to hear the company will stay alive and you will be renting studio space for your work. Look at it this way: You are both so talented and gave the community so much, now you can earn some money! Just be free of all the worries for a while.

Of course we'll be at your last show at 8pm...also to say good buy to the beautiful studio and all the good memories we had there. Please reserve 3 tickets for us. I'll call with my credit card # soon.

It really feels like an area is ending. But then who knows... Phoenix rising from ashes.

Creative Process said...

From Matia
A Dance Major at Alvin Ailey, NY

NOOOO!!! Im so sad to hear that!! I was looking forward to coming back and taking classes. Well, i hope the performance goes well and everything else works out with ease and peace. Thank you for your training me the short period i was there.

Creative Process said...

From Julie (Dance Parent)

I'm not much of a blogger, but I did want to write to let you know how saddened I was to read your note about the dance center closing. We have very fond memories of the years my girls danced there and of all the performances we were involved with in one way or another. You have many talents, so I'm sure this will mark the beginning of a new chapter for you, where you are freer to pursue other interests. I'm sure this chapter will hold many wonderful things! Best wishes.

Creative Process said...

From Judith (Artistic Director, Luminario Ballet (Los Angeles)

All my love to you both, Anhanda and Scott.

I can imagine your sadness at losing a studio!!!!

I hope some year we at Luminario will gain one, or at least a regular home.

Meanwhile, we too are always at the mercy of renting space and are glad there is space!

I wish you well.

Creative Process said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Anandha and Scott,
I'm so sorry to hear about your studio closing. You are an inspiration to me. Your encouragement and welcoming spirit was a delight to be around. Thank you for allowing us to be part of the festival last year. I hope we can dance together again in the future.

Gina Darlington, director of Canyon Movement Company, Flagstaff, AZ

Creative Process said...

From Funkmode:

Cara and I are SO sorry to hear this news. I know I must be going over and over it again in my mind because I had a very vivid dream about it last night. You, Anandha and Rhianna were there and you told me that at the last minute some group came through with an unexpected source of funds to allow you to stay open. Whether it was just wishful thinking or a sign of things to come, the fact remains that Moving Arts has indeed provided countless memories and lessons for so many lucky people. I feel so fortunate to have been able to know all of you and be a part of your family. You opened your arms so willingly and were always so kind that there was always a feeling of being cared for, appreciated and welcome.

I am tremendously fond of my time with you and your company and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you've done for me and the community. You have just been wonderful to know and be associated with professionally.

We hope that this will be the beginning of new possibilities for all of you. If we can help with the transition at all, perhaps in helping to move as you mentioned, please let us know what we can do.

Again, we thank you so much for being such beautiful lights in the
world. We know you will continue to shine regardless of the setting.

All love,

- Mighty