Wednesday, February 14, 2007

In the Beginning There Was Dance

Moving Arts Dance has toured, as of today, over 67,ooo miles since 2003:
6 countries,
9 USA states,
27 cities,
62 performances,
17 standing ovations,
23 tours with residencies,
5 competitive festivals, and
7 awards from 4 of the 5 festivals.
But who's counting?

At first it was a really tough to break into the touring circuit, but self-producing concerts was killing us financially, not to mention that it was a lot of work to create a whole concert that only got performed ONCE!

Also, the tours didn't break even -but they cost less than self producing. I believe very much that if you follow your intuition, you will find your path. In the face of having no money and no concerts lined up, my intuition told me to have a concert ready. So I rehearsed -for no apparent reason. Thinking me crazy, we lost a few dancers. Then came the first call... a concert in Louiville, KY... in two months! We were ready. That concert opened the door to our next tours and from each tour more doors were opened. And now we have a strong history to stand on as we look to build more touring, especially at home in California. Plus, we have been accepted by a great organization for booking representation, Pentacle (

So spread the word... We're great at what we do. We're ready to do it!

For a visual of our performance history visit: .

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